BMP Logic's IRIS Software secures Irrigation Data with Blockchain

October 14, 2019

TRENTON — BMP Logic unveiled custom software for farmers that will mean a lot less kicking dirt and more making smart irrigation and fertilizer decisions from charts in the cloud.

“Irrigation is about proper timing and maintaining the available water at the appropriate amounts, keeping the water in the root zone,” says Doug Crawford, co-founder of BMP Logic in Trenton, FL. “As longtime farmers and agriculturists, we understand farmers. So we have updated and customized the software attached to our soil moisture probes to make it unbelievably easy to get farmers the soil moisture, soil salinity, and soil temperature data that they need in real-time.

”The software — IRIS — was developed by Stickboy in Fort Myers and stands for Irrigation Real Time Intelligence System.

“IRIS represents the next stage in AgTech,” says Bryant Jackson, who led the BMP Logic software project at Stickboy. “What we find most impressive about this software is that it is secured with blockchain. Farmers are held accountable for their irrigation practices. For them to have data that cannot be altered will give them peace of mind in case they need to submit reports about their water usage. The team at Stickboy had a deep connection to this project, as it really shows the social good technology can bring to farmers and the planet.

”Soil moisture probes are installed by BMP Logic slurry-free. The probes have sensors attached at different depths. Those sensors in the ground communicate with the IRIS platform, which lives in the cloud so it can be accessed virtually anywhere.

Each farmer has a profile and with easy-to-read charts, IRIS helps farmers visualize when to irrigate. With IRIS, farmers can see rooting depth in order to keep track of soil water levels. That means growers can make informed decisions to help ensure irrigation is applied at the right time, at the right rate and down to the right levels.

BMP Logic has soil probes throughout the U.S. and two other countries — on farms with a variety of different crops.

For more information on IRIS or soil moisture probes, please call 352-224-9427.

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